Art Deco

It makes sense to me now 1920's and 30's  took inspiration from societies such as the Mayans and the Egyptians. Watching "Art Deco icons" on BBC 4. I must go to London and have a look at some of the architecture I did not realise was there !

I love it when artists from different disciplines translate the times they are in through art, film architecture , poetry and even dance.
It was the architect Le corbusier who coined the phrase "Art Deco"and seemed to begin with a number of exhibitions which show cased the new ideas of the time.

The depression of WW1 was lifted by the coming of the up beat brightly coloured Deco period full of fresh hope and New ideas.

This style seemed to emerge between the wars whilst industrialisation  took a hold, This is reflected in the film"Metropolis" by Fritz Lang. If you haven't seen it try and get hold of a copy.
It must have been truly exciting to see it on the big screen in 1927. I believe Bladerunner was influenced by this movie.

Electricity gathered momentum and comunication via film and radio became highly influencial. People began to want what was on the silver screen.

It seems that the WW2 put a stop to the inspiring 20s and 30's.
