It never ceases to amaze me how much pleasure I get from finding interesting old china and generally other people's tat. Unfortunately a bit of an obsession. The only consolation is that I know I am not alone. Once bitten by the collecting bug there is no going back. 

I get a real thrill from finding things that do not seem to be that interesting or it may be damaged and neglected but in fact has potential for an interesting provenance.
Glass is a real love of mine and if I find something delicate it may date back to early Victorian period I find myself wondering how many hands have held this item and how it managed to survive its journey. Some pieces may be rescued from tatty boxes at a car boot sale, quite amazing!

Generally, I come across an item that I just can't resist and it has to be mine! Ha ha, it is as bad as that, I will have to start putting up shelves to accommodate all of these lovely things. (OMG I am begining to sound like Smeagol with DIY tendancies)

I find it really frustrating when I cannot find any background information on my discoveries. The internet is such a great resource but  I sometimes get stumped. I am hoping by blogging I may get feedback from more knowledgeable others.

I came across these lovely 1920s bookends made of wood, They were from Holland but feel they may be German.
