All the Fun of the Antiques Trade Fair!

I like the antiques and collectors world for many reasons, top of the list a love of beautiful and unusual things or it could be the thrill of the hunt, hours of rummaging,  you never really know what you may discover next. Time  spent trying to figure out what it is and where it may have been used or even which century it belongs to, keep me constantly surprised and interested.

This varied  and mysterious world is further enhanced by the people within it. They work long hours either finding or selling always on the look out for the next deal. The odd trapped nerve and slipped disc will not stop them lugging there wares to the fairs and back home again. Friendships forged through facing hail, sleet and snow in cold and windy fields sometimes only making back their entrance fee, if that.

The three hombres, always arrived with an empty van, they spent the weekend drinking stella in the back to get them through the night (empty cans appearing in a pile overnight) they would appear first thing taking a leisurely approach to the game, they would find stock and sell at the same fair and always left with more than they arrived with. They specialized in rustic farmhouse tables which came with its own community of woodworm. I rememberbeing intrigued by a whale tooth but that may have been a good story.

The Irish fella who was permanently drunk and slept in the back of his van, his stock displayed in boxes in a raggle taggle state. Amazing that he  survived but he always had time for a little banter. He was always on the look out for a new lady.

The same fair would accommodate top end antique dealers with their goods displayed indoors, warm and sheltered from the elements. Their wares well packed in stacking boxes trolled back and forwards from hire vans. They pay and charge premium prices for their comfort.

Fur coats, glass, old ladders, top end to low end there is a personality behind each find. Some with a great knowledge and understanding and most are quite willing to share their wisdom. If you need help with lifting something, you need to charge a phone, the neighbors will accommodate.

Windy weather can cause chaos and will mischievously blow over a shelf or table crashing glass and china  to the ground. Acceptance  and tolerance are important personality traits for the enduring dealer. Summertime makes the difference and it feels like a camping holiday. Many stories to take home and remembered with fondness or amusement.

If anyone ever thought this was an easy occupation I would suggest that it isn't. It is  interesting and sociable and can take you to some lovely places surrounded by fascinating things. The people are a eclectic mix from all walks of life all with the same passion for this trade.
